Research on the Mediterranean Diet
The diet itself is higher in vegetables, fruits, cereals,
nuts, fish, table fats & oils, and wine & beer than the American
diet (Nestle, 1995, p. 1314-6). Conversely, the North
American diet is substantially higher in meats, fish, eggs, sugars, and dairy
products. Public health studies have observed that people living in regions
bordering the Mediterranean enjoyed “rates of chronic disease that are amongst
the lowest in the world and life expectancies that are amongst the highest” (p.
1313). Because socioeconomic factors are lower in those regions than more
industrialized countries, it can be deduced that diet is the leading factor for
these findings (p. 1313).
NB cereals in
this context refer to grains such as oats or couscous and not the cartooned box
variety. Also, diet refers to foods a person habitually eats and not the
restriction of foods to lose weight.
In a study wherein hundreds of participants were randomly
assigned to either a low-fat, low-carb or Mediterranean diet, those adhering to
that of Mediterranean lost almost double the weight the low-fat group had (Blüher, Brickner, Fiedler, Fraser, Golan, et al., 2008, p. 229).
Blüher, M., Brickner, D., Fiedler, G.M., Fraser,
D., Golan, R.,
Greenberg, I., Henkin,
Y., Katorza, E., Marko, R., Sarusi, B.,
Schwartz, Z., Schwarzfuchs, D., Shahar, D.R., Shai, I., Sheiner, E.,
Stampfer, M.J., Stumvoll, M., Tangi-Rozental, O., Thiery, J., Vardi, H., Witkow,
& S., Zuk-Ramot, R. (2008). Weight loss with a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean,
or low-fat diet. The New England Journal
of Medicine (359) 229-241. Retrieved from http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0708681#t=abstract
Diet Pyramid (2012). Retrieved
from http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=mediterranean+diet+pyramid&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=X&rls=en&biw=1270&bih=632&tbm=isch&tbnid=3OKprxZk_ryclM:&imgrefurl=http://www.safe-and-easy-weightloss.com/MedDietPyramid.htm&docid=erhtdzEpewJc5M&imgurl=http://www.safe-and-easy-weightloss.com/images/MediterraneanFoodPyramidGraphic.jpg&w=612&h=792&ei=aUT3T6GcBcvsqAGNg92LCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=461&sig=118003037183292474121&page=1&tbnh=118&tbnw=91&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:83&tx=65&ty=61
Nestle, M. (1995). Mediterranean diets:
historical and research
overview American Society for Clinical Nutrition (61),
1313-1320. Retrieved from http://www.ajcn.org/content/61/6/1313S.full.pdf
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